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Jamaica Stands To Benefit From SEZ Investment

Jamaica stands to benefit significantly from investment in special economic zones (SEZ) and the country’s bid to become a global logistics hub, says Minister of Industry, Investment and Commerce, Senator the Hon. Aubyn Hill. SEZs are areas within a country that are created to facilitate rapid economic growth, by leveraging tax incentives as a way of attracting foreign investment and technological advancement. Logistics services are strongly associated with trade expansion and export diversification. Citing the example of countries such as Singapore, Israel and Qatar, with relatively comparable populations but significantly higher gross domestic product (GDP) per capita than Jamaica, Minister Hill argued that Jamaica cannot attain economic wealth by limiting output and markets. “We need to export a lot more, but it’s important that we export not just goods but also services. What local businesses must do, if we are going to change from three million people with a small per-capita GDP to three million people with a rich per-capita GDP, is that people who trade must now look to invest in our country to manufacture, build, package, repackage, assemble things and provide services that we sell to the world. That [will] bring in hard currency to make the little man in our country better off,” he pointed out to JIS News. He said the initial investment from local businesses to facilitate the recommended activities, paired with existing incentives offered through the Jamaica Special Economic Zone Authority (JSEZA), plays a part in making Jamaica attractive to international investors. For his part, Acting Chief Executive Officer of the JSEZA, Gary Scott, said that linkages established through the Authority will ensure that the local economy benefits as a result of the incentives provided to the multinational companies. “When these multinational corporations are operating from Jamaica, they are purchasing certain goods and services from the local economy. That is why the incentive scheme that we established under the Special Economic Zone Authority removes things like general consumption tax (GCT). “It is not because [we want] to not have zone operators pay GCT; it is to encourage purchasing more of the goods and services from the domestic territory. So, what we are ensuring is the building out of linkage programmes that will allow for the companies in the zones to interact more freely with companies outside of the zone and purchase goods and services,” explained Mr. Scott. Meanwhile, the JSEZA CEO pointed out that post-pandemic, Jamaica has been presented with the opportunity to maximise on pharmaceutical supply chain needs, which were heightened during the COVID-19 pandemic. “From what we have heard, there are a number of investors worldwide… that are looking for their next location to establish their ability to provide supplies and support to the largest consumer markets, which are the North American and South American markets,” Mr. Scott noted. From June 13 to 17, Jamaica will host international investors and free zone operators at the World Free Zones Organization’s Annual International Conference and Exhibition (AICE 2022) in Montego Bay, St. James, with the aim of securing investments for the country.   Source: https://jis.gov.jm/jamaica-stands-to-benefit-from-sez-investment/

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Expo 2020 Dubai awards: Best pavilions announced

With over 200 pavilions, Expo 2020 Dubai had much to offer visitors, whether it was stunning designs, innovations or entertainment. An official awards ceremony — held on the eve of the closing ceremony — has recognised the best of pavilions. The recipients of the Official Participant Awards were decided by an international jury of nine experts in a range of relevant fields. The jury visited each international pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai during the course of two sessions, in January and March of 2022. Split into five categories according to the size and type of pavilion, the awards recognise three aspects of pavilions: Architecture and landscape (for self-built pavilions only); exhibition design; and theme interpretation. A total of 51 Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards were handed out during the ceremony, which took place in Jubilee Park. Awarding participation is a longstanding tradition of Expos, dating back to the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London – the first World Expo. After a pause — during which Expos did not feature awards — they were reintroduced ahead of Expo 2005 Aichi.   Source: https://www.khaleejtimes.com/expo/expo-2020-dubai-awards-best-pavilions-announced

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UAE: All you need to know about Ramadan 2022, the month of blessings

Dubai: This Ramadan is a chance to rejoice doubly. Firstly, the holy month will bring with it fasting and reflection, charity and prayer. Secondly, the easing of COVID-19 restrictions, in line with falling cases in the UAE, means it is easier for the community to take part in volunteering activities and for families to enjoy leisure time at events. Ramadan will also bring with it a new routine and a change of pace. Working and school hours will be shortened, allowing more time for family, prayer and relaxation. For Muslims, the day will begin before sun up, as they rise from slumber for suhoor, the pre-dawn meal to provide energy for a day of fasting, which will be around 14 hours long in the UAE. After work, families and friends will come together for iftar, the meal taken at the end of the day’s fast at sunset. This year, iftar tents are returning for Ramadan in the UAE, after they were put on hold because of the pandemic. These tents see mostly workers – but also people from the neighbourhood and commuters making a stop for iftar – gather inside for a free iftar meal, sponsored by charities and residents. The tents are mostly set up besides mosques – and all are welcome. At night, mosques will hold Taraweeh prayers, which are longer prayers that worshippers are recommended to observe in Ramadan. Needless to say, all Ramadan-themed events – religious or worldly in nature – will take place under government guidelines for COVID-19. This Ramadan will be the closet we have been to pre-pandemic times in terms of the ‘look and feel’ of the month. However, one aspect of Ramadan has remained unchanged – the opportunity to look inwards and reclaim the drive to mend our habits and relationships. Source: https://gulfnews.com/uae/ramadan/uae-all-you-need-to-know-about-ramadan-2022-the-month-of-blessings-1.86814998

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Expo 2020 Dubai explored ways to build sustainable food systems for all, says Minister Almheiri

As curtains come down on Expo 2020 Dubai on Thursday, Khaleej Times looks back at the Food, Agriculture and Livelihoods Week, one of the theme weeks of the greatest show on earth, through the eyes of Mariam bint Mohammed Almheiri, the UAE’s Minister of Climate Change and Environment. Edited excerpts from the exclusive interview: During the Food, Agriculture and Livelihoods Week at Expo 2020 Dubai, the UAE hosted the first ministerial meeting of the Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate (AIM for Climate), a global initiative that the country runs jointly with the US, aimed at increasing and accelerating investments in agricultural innovation. What were the outcomes? The most significant outcome was the doubling of the increased investment target from $4 (Dh14.69) million, pledged at the launch of the initiative at the 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in November 2021 in Glasgow, to $8 (Dh29.38) million by COP27 that will take place in November in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. We welcomed seven new government partners – six countries and the European Commission (EU) – to our coalition, which means we now have over 140 government and non-government partners. In addition, we launched AIM for Climate Ideations – a new way for our partners to support the initiative through hosting events and activities focused on advancing its objectives. IBM has introduced our ninth innovation sprint – IBM Sustainability Accelerator – a pro-bono social impact programme that will see the company provide technology and expertise to deliver key insights on agriculture to farmers, community leaders and conservationists. We also announced our innovation sprint focal areas for 2022 – smallholder farmers in low-and middle-income countries, methane reduction, emerging technologies and agroecological research – and heard from guest speakers on the first two topics. What are innovation sprints? Innovation sprints are investments in specific, impactful, expedited efforts by our non-government partners. Our innovation sprints for 2022 will be launched at COP27. Proposals can be submitted at info@aimforclimate.org by August 31, 2022. They don’t necessarily have to relate to the focal areas, but those that do will receive higher consideration. We encourage innovation sprints that involve three or more partners, have a total monetary value of $50 (Dh183.66) million or more, or complement an existing innovation sprint or expand its scale or scope. We are planning to host Ideation events for each of the focal areas to facilitate discussion and networking towards the creation of innovation sprints. Who can support AIM for Climate and how? In addition to governments, our coalition is open to non-government partners from the ranks of international organisations, non-profits, academia, technology, and food & beverage (F&B) companies, and farmers’ associations. They can support AIM for Climate as innovation sprint partners or knowledge partners. I have already explained what innovation sprints are. Also, knowledge partners, such as private research and education institutions, international organisations, companies, or non-governmental organisations (NGOs), amplify agricultural innovation through insight sharing, innovation collaboration, coordination, institutional capacity building, or demonstration and deployment. Our current non-government partners include the United Nations’ (UN) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Economic Forum (WEF), the UN Foundation, the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR), CGIAR, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and CropLife International, just to name a few. Among the most prominent representatives of the private sector are PepsiCo, BASF, Bayer, IBM, and Nestlé. Together with other Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) leaders from the UAE and abroad, you attended the Food, Agriculture and Livelihoods Week Signature Dinner. What was special about it? Hosted by Expo 2020 Dubai, the dinner was an amazing experience that brought together leaders from diverse backgrounds and cultures, each bringing a unique perspective, united through food. The guest chefs used their knowledge and experience to curate and narrate a dinner aligned with the SDGs and the eight thematic areas of the Chefs’ Manifesto that aims to inspire those who are the closest to food and offer them a pathway to building a world with zero hunger through simple, practical everyday actions. Each table of guests had their own personal chef, who prepared a menu that was relevant to their personal story. The chefs used food grown locally at Emirates Bio Farm and sustainably sourced ingredients from the UAE, supported by ingredients from their home countries. When it comes to food, whether we’re ministers, heads of organisations, chefs, or members of civil society, we all have an essential role to play in helping end world hunger and building a better future for the next generations. The dinner provided us with an ideal opportunity to have real conversations about how we can work together to achieve this noble mission. The UAE Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (MOCCAE), in partnership with FAO and the SDG 2 Advocacy Hub, organised the inaugural edition of the Food for Future Summit & Expo in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Can you tell us more about it? Uniting the world for a food-secure future, the inaugural edition of the Summit in the MENA region served as the definitive platform for dialogue aimed at driving positive change in regional and global food systems. The event drew the participation of over 100 global leaders, 140+ exhibitors and more than 50 innovative start-ups from over 60 countries. The summit comprised several key tracks, including the Global Leaders’ Symposium that convened international ministerial delegations and leading executives from non-profit organisations worldwide to explore new solutions to global food security challenges. Also, part of the event, the MENA Agri-Food Innovation Days aspired to enhance engagement of the public and private sectors, academia, and civil society in driving the transformation of the region’s food systems through providing a forum for exchange of knowledge and best practices and highlighting the latest innovations and technologies. The Making it Happen conference focused on innovation and technology-enhanced agriculture and supply chain, with some of the most influential local, regional, and global brands discussing their roles in enhancing food security and safety. The event also featured the Generation Food stage, hosting

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BIE Day Ceremony of Prizes and Awards at Expo 2020 Dubai

The BIE Day Awards Ceremony was held this evening, during which the recipients of the Expo 2020 Dubai Official Participant Awards were announced. Held on the eve of the closing of the Expo, the Awards Ceremony also included the attribution of BIE Medals, celebrating all those who have made major contributions to the success of the World Expo, and the Expo 2020 Dubai UAE Innovates Awards. Official Participant Awards The recipients of the Official Participant Awards were decided by an international jury composed of nine experts in a range of relevant fields. The jury visited each international pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai during the course of two sessions, in January and March of 2022. Split into five different categories according to the size and type of pavilion, the Official Participant Awards recognise three aspects of pavilions: architecture and landscape (for self-built pavilions only), exhibition design, and theme interpretation. A total of 51 Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards were handed out during the ceremony, which took place in Jubilee Park on the Expo 2020 Dubai site.   Source: https://www.bie-paris.org/site/en/news-announcements/expo-dubai-2020-2/bie-day-ceremony-of-prizes-and-awards-at-expo-2020-dubai  

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JAMPRO: A Dedicated Partner for Investors and Exporting Businesses

Jamaica has a brand that reso­nates all over the world, says Diane Edwards, president of Jamaica Promotions Corporation (JAMPRO), the government agency that helps investors and exporters to realise the potential of business opportunities. “That recognition gives us a tremendous platform to leverage when taking our products into the world. Ja­maica exports fantastic goods, such as fresh tropical fruits, processed foods and beverages, cosmetics and nutraceutical ingredients. We also export large amounts of bauxite, alumina and limestone;’ she reveals. The agency provides a match­making service to connect com­panies worldwide with local busi­nesses, Edwards explains, “We find the right markets for our exporters, the right Jamaican products for in­ternational importers and the right partners for investment projects:’ Jamaica offers attractive options for investors across a wide spectrum of activities. “We’re expecting high growth in areas such as tourism, where there is an opportunity for luxury hospitality brands from the Middle East. Another is our thriv­ing business-process outsourcing sector, which now employs 44,000 people;’ she notes. One industry that is full of possi­bilities is logistics, Edwards asserts: “Jamaica can be the logistics centre of the Caribbean. Ships from Chi­na that travel through the Panama Canal to the eastern seaboard of the US have to pass by our country. In addition, we have the most modern port in the region, which can han­dle post-panamax vessels:’ With the Caribbean currently importing 85 per cent of its food, she also high­lights agriculture and food manu­facturing as profitable investment sectors. There is potential in the is­land’s renowned creative industries as well, with Jamaica boasting a wealth of talent in areas like music, film, animation and fashion. Two other sectors that should appeal to Middle Eastern investors are infrastructure and renewable energy, Edwards says: ”About 13 per cent of our energy is delivered by renewables today, but our ambi­tion is to increase that to 30 per cent by 2030. We are looking for new sources of solar, wind, geothermal or waste-generated energy, and the government will publish a request for proposal by early next year:’ Another of JAMPRO’s roles is to help optimise the business envi­ronment in a country that already welcomes investors with many in­centives. For example, the World Bank rates it as the sixth-best place to start a business, there are no re­strictions on foreign ownership of assets or the repatriation of profits, while its stock exchange is high per­forming and very active. JAMPRO wants to go further and is now implementing its Business Environment Reform Agenda to re­view and revise an extensive range of laws and regulations. “One of the major things weve achieved so far is a Priority Projects Bill that allows large-scale investments to be fast­-tracked. We’ve also launched the National Business Portal, which will facilitate multiple business-to-gov­ernment transactions in one on­line location. This programme is intended to catapult Jamaica into the top 10 of the World Bank Doing Business overall rankings, and is a demonstration of how dedicated we are to making life easy for business­es and investors;’ she enthuses.   Source: https://www.khaleejtimes.com/supplements/jampro-a-dedicated-partner-for-investors-and-exporting-businesses

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Day 2: Why LATAM and Caribbean economies hold the key to Dubai’s global trade targets

Latin American and Caribbean economies will play a pivotal role in boosting Dubai’s global trade target to Dh2 trillion over the next five years, with platforms such as Dubai Chambers connecting the abundant commercial opportunities between the two geographies through public-private partnerships. That was the key message from the second day of the Global Business Forum Latin America (GBF LATAM 2022), that concluded in Dubai on Thursday. The two-day high-level forum, being held at the Dubai Exhibition Centre at Expo 2020 Dubai, ended on a high note as it attracted a total of 2,000 participants from 95 countries who attended in person and virtually. It was organised by Dubai Chamber of Commerce in partnership with Expo 2020 Dubai. “Today, we are reaping the fruits of the strong relationship that we succeeded in establishing with the Latin American markets through our previous edition of GBF LATAM,” Hamad Buamim, President and CEO of Dubai Chambers, said on Thursday. “The forum provided an opportunity to establish new business partnerships and support our efforts to expand the operations of companies in Dubai, as well as attract LATAM investments to the emirate. GBF LATAM is the perfect platform for building bridges of cooperation and cross-border partnerships between Dubai and Latin American and Caribbean countries,” he added. Three heads of state, 13 ministers, government officials, business leaders and hundreds of industry experts from Latin America, the Caribbean and the UAE, came together during the two days to explore trade and investment prospects and pursue new avenues of economic cooperation. Around 300 bilateral business meetings were also held during the two-day forum. Dubai Chambers in bridging LATAM gap According to participants at the forum, public-private partnerships (PPPs) increasingly hold the key in the post-Covid era for diversifying growth opportunities for economic recovery. Dubai-based investors can be instrumental in helping both the economies meet their ambitious targets. With three international offices in Panama, Brazil and Argentina, Dubai Chamber of Commerce is playing a critical role to promote commercial opportunities between Latin American and Caribbean countries and Dubai and the UAE. “In the fourth edition of the forum, we were able to build many new ties that will shape the future of strategic relations between Dubai, the wider GCC and the 27 countries that make up Latin America and the Caribbean,” Buamim said. “We presented an integrated picture of the business environment, highlighted joint investment opportunities, brought investors together, and drew attention to the pivotal role of Dubai as a gateway for companies wishing to launch their operations and expand into the region’s promising markets. We look forward to seeing these interactions translating into new economic partnerships,” he added. DP World as an enabler of LATAM logistics According to Sultan Bin Sulayem, Group Chairman and CEO of DP World, Latin America was an extremely critical market for the company and DP World was committed to removing all logistics inefficiencies from the bilateral supply chain. “We are a customer-oriented company so will invest where the customer needs our service. At present we are in Caucedo in the Dominican Republic, with both industrial park logistics and port operations. We are also in Santos in Brazil. We are in Argentina, in Peru, in Ecuador, in Surinam and other locations. And of course, we are also in Chile with two ports and a logistics operation,” he said during a session at GBF LATAM on Thursday. According to Bin Sulayem, DP World was bullish about investment in Latin America because it was confident of removing many of the obstacles and inefficiencies through its deep expertise in the ports and logistics business. “Today, the customer needs so many services. From 2010 to 2016, we only provided one service and that was basically handling the cargo from the ship to the port. In the last six years, we have changed to a deeper involvement with customers. We want to be in charge of the cargo, not just from the gate, but until the customer receives it… Our target is that the cargo will move from the manufacturer to the consumer with the least difficulties and in the most efficient way, and we will continue to do that,” he said. Dubai as global LATAM hub Top officials at the forum noted that the high-calibre of participation at GBF LATAM 2022 reflects the growing confidence in Dubai as a global hub for companies from Latin America and the Caribbean, adding that Expo 2020 Dubai provided an ideal platform for UAE and LATAM countries to network, collaborate and take their trade relations to the next level. Held under the theme ‘Towards a Resilient Future’, GBF LATAM 2022 was held under the patronage His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai. GBF LATAM 2022 forms part of Dubai Chamber of Commerce’s flagship Global Business Forum series which was launched in 2013 and also showcases investment opportunities in promising markets across Africa and the ASEAN region. Dubai Chamber of Commerce is the Official Business Integration Partner for Expo 2020 Dubai.   Source: https://gulfnews.com/business/day-2-why-latam-and-caribbean-economies-hold-the-key-to-dubais–global-trade-targets-1.1648539253089

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Everything to know about Expo 2025

Where is Expo 2025? When exactly will it take place? What will it be like? If the news that there are only three days left of Expo 2020 Dubai has got you down, then questions like these are likely to be ringing around your head. Here’s what we know about Expo 2025 so far… Expo 2025 will be held between April 13 and October 13 2025 in the Osaka-Kansai region of Japan. The theme will be Designing Future Societies for Our Lives. According to Expo 2020 Dubai, Japan has taken “key lessons from their success and its own participation in the event as it looks ahead to its hosting of the next World Expo.” Osaka-Kansai won the bid to host Expo 2025 in a vote held back in November 2018 at the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) in Paris. The Expo 2025 will be the third time for Japan to host a World Expo, having previously hosted the event in 1970 and 1990. When discussing their contribution to the current event, Aiko Yabunaka, secretary-general of the Japan Pavilion, confirmed that the pavilion would be dismantled, but the façade will be used in Expo 2025. Yabunaka said: “Our objective was to showcase our culture, history and innovations to the world, and take back ideas with us to study for the next few years to host Expo 2025 Osaka Kansai. “We have forged friendships, met multinational talents, understood each other – these experiences will endure for better collaborations. We have many global challenges, and by working together, we can make a better world.” Officials from Osaka Kansai will visit Expo 2020 Dubai in a few days for an official handover of the Expo flag. Eighty countries have confirmed their participation in Expo 2025 as of March 2022.   Source: https://www.timeoutabudhabi.com/news/where-is-expo-2025-osaka

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Dubai Metro to run for 24 hours on last day of Expo 2020

The Dubai Metro will run for 24 hours to cater to the rush of visitors on the final day of Expo 2020. Metro trains will run all night as “volumes and volumes of people” are expected on March 31, according to Tareq Ghosheh, chief events and entertainment officer, Expo 2020 Dubai. An Expo marketing mailer says: “Come early! Take the metro (it will run 24 hours), public transport or make the most of the park & ride service from the Jebel Ali Metro Station.” The closing ceremony promises to be a spectacular affair, complete with fireworks, air shows and world-class performers. Celebrations will continue throughout the night, with firework displays at midnight and 3am, before Expo 2020 Dubai closes its Entry Portals for the final time. According to the Expo mailer, all event venues will have limited capacity and people will be allowed to see the performances on a first-come, first-served basis. The performances will be livestreamed on giant screens across the Expo site.   Source: https://www.khaleejtimes.com/expo/dubai-metro-to-run-for-24-hours-on-last-day-of-expo-2020

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Expo 2020 Dubai receives 1 million guests in 3 days; clocks nearly 23 million visits

Expo 2020 Dubai recorded more than one million visits last Friday, Saturday and Sunday as visitors say their final goodbyes to what has been a spectacular six months. More well-wishers are expected to flock to the site in the remaining three days to be part of the world fair’s closing action and entertainment – including what promises to be an unforgettable closing ceremony, complete with fireworks, air shows and world-class performers. The world fair experienced the busiest weekend across its entire six months driving the total number of visits to 22,937,830. This means the first World Expo in the region has fulfilled its commitment to attract between 22.9 million and 25.4 million visits, a target range set out in the registration dossier that was officially ratified by Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) member states in 2015, and a remarkable achievement in the context of the global Covid-19 pandemic, a statement issued on Tuesday said. The last day of Expo 2020 Dubai, on Thursday (March 31), will be a historic one, welcoming the UAE Air Force’s Fursan Al Emarat aerobatics team, before an unforgettable climax as Expo hands the baton to the next generation, with a youth-focused ceremony that will see global music icons Christina Aguilera, Norah Jones and Yo-Yo Ma perform beneath Al Wasl’s iconic dome. Also taking the stage will be the Expo 2020 World String Ensemble and talented Italian pianist Eleonora Constantini. Visitors will be able to watch on more than 20 giant screens across the site, including at the Jubilee Stage, Dubai Millennium Amphitheatre, Festival Garden and various Country Pavilions. At the ceremony, Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan, UAE Minister of Tolerance and Coexistence and Commissioner General of Expo 2020 Dubai, will hand the BIE flag to His Excellency Ambassador Jai-chul Choi and His Excellency Dimitri Kerkentzes, respectively President and Secretary General of the General Assembly of the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE), who will present it to representatives of Expo 2025 Osaka. Celebrations will continue throughout the night, with firework displays at 12.00am and 3.00am GST, before Expo 2020 Dubai closes its entry portals for the final time. On March 29, India will celebrate its Expo 2020 Dubai National Day, including a concert by playback star Shaan, followed by the Abraham Accords team squaring up against the star-studded World Classic team in an exhibition match at Expo 2020 Dubai’s Sports, Fitness & Wellbeing Hub. That sports event will be followed by the FIBA 3×3 Basketball Tournament at the Expo Sports Arena on March 30.   Source: https://www.khaleejtimes.com/expo/expo-2020-dubai-receives-1-million-guests-in-3-days-clocks-nearly-23-million-visits

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