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Government of Jamaica   

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Prohibited Industries

Section 41 (1) of the SEZ Act indicates a list of excluded activities that a Developers or an Occupant shall not carry on any of the following activities, whether directly or indirectly, in a Zone. NB May be carried out by a Zone User:

Extractive industries

Including mining, quarrying or drilling for natural resources (but not including the lawful extraction of water for the developer’s or occupant’s own use).

Public utilities

Utilities (but not including the generation of electricity by a developer or an occupant solely for its own use and not for the supply to any other person other than the Single Buyer pursuant to a standard offer contract for net billing or a wheeling arrangement under the Electricity Act).

Financial Services

Regulated by the Bank of Jamaica or the Financial Services Commission.

Real estate and property management services

Real Estate (such as Equity Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITS) and not Real Estate Management & Development which is the primary function of the developer.

Health services

Excluding research and development.

Tourism services

Telecommunication services

Catering services

Retail trade