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Government of Jamaica   

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What is Sustain-a-Livity?

Sustain-A-Livity is a Jamaican concept whereby persons can develop an awareness to expand their workstyle, lifestyle, life-based and spiritual interests. Where eco-industrial parks interact/ cooperate with the local community to achieve a harmonious living philosophy emanating from out of many one people and to protect the environment and to achieve economic prosperity.

At JSEZA we utilise our CAPABILITIES to instill this philosophy to all our stakeholders as we integrate our strategic and operational plans, policy and legislation.

SEZ Jamaica Sustainable Building & Development Guidelines

We are driven to be INNOVATIVE and CREATIVE in designing solutions to fulfil the needs of our clients.

SEZ Jamaica Sustainable Economic Development Framework

We are steadfastly COMMITED and COMPASSIONATE to Sustain-A-Livity and development for social progress, environmental stewardship and economic growth for all Jamaicans and generations to come.