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Government of Jamaica   

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The Business Environment

Jamaica is much more than just sun, sand and sea. Jamaica has an attractive business environment and the Jamaica Special Economic Zone Authority will provide you will everything you need to get your business up and running within the shortest time possible.

Jamaica's Achievements

#1 Country in the Caribbean for Ease of Doing Business

World Bank 2019

The World's Best Performing Stock Market

Financial Times 2019

3rd Best Country in the Caribbean on the Logistics Performance Index

World Bank 2019

We aim to provide an environment in which our investors may seamlessly set up and continue operations. This is made possible through partnering with other agencies such as the Jamaica Promotions Cooperation (JAMPRO), Jamaica Business Development Cooperation (JBDC) and Jamaica National Agency for Accreditation (JANAAC).  

With increased global trade, technological advancements and the growing demand for more investments in our sectors we now have to diversify and create a friendly business environment which is attractive to investors whilst being in tandem with both Vision 2030 and our Sustainable Development Goals . The Jamaican business environment especially our SEZs are strengthened with favorable government policies and incentives, a flexible work force and overall improvements in our infrastructure, telecommunications and business registration processes.

In 2015 Forbes listed Jamaica as one of the best countries for business and we sit in the top five ranking for doing business in the Caribbean.

Government Agencies

The following agencies will get your business up and running.