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Government of Jamaica   

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The People

Wi Likkle But Wi Tallawah

Though small in size, Jamaican people have left a considerable stamp all over the world.


Total Population


Labour force


15-34 Years old Population

Jamaica has rich and varied ancestral roots which have contributed to us having a unique ethnic composition that simmered into a melting pot of culture, youthfulness, love, talent, good vibes, and positivity.  We are the heartbeat of the Caribbean and our people are always welcoming because politeness and courtesy are highly valued in our society. For this reason, Jamaicans are one of the friendliest in the world. Our culture is married to the people and our people are married to the culture.

The island is the largest nation in the anglophone Caribbean, and our people have an average life expectancy of 74.1 years with an almost even gender distribution of approximately49.5% male and 50.5% female.

In its 2020 Human Development report the UNDP ranked the island in the high development category with a ranking of 96 out of 185 countries.

Despite our size, we are a force to be reckoned with we are the home of many creatives and thought leaders from varying racial backgrounds but our main ethnic and racial makeup flows from an intermixed pool of Chinese, African, European, and Indian ancestors. Our population consists of a list of artisans, athletes, business operators among other professions who are making strides in fields such as the Arts, music, and technological advancements to name a few.

Notable Jamaicans

Bob Marley

Reggae Singer

Usain Bolt

Track Athlete

Louise Bennett-Coverley

Folklorist, Writer