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BIE Day Ceremony of Prizes and Awards at Expo 2020 Dubai

The BIE Day Awards Ceremony was held this evening, during which the recipients of the Expo 2020 Dubai Official Participant Awards were announced. Held on the eve of the closing of the Expo, the Awards Ceremony also included the attribution of BIE Medals, celebrating all those who have made major contributions to the success of the World Expo, and the Expo 2020 Dubai UAE Innovates Awards.

Official Participant Awards

The recipients of the Official Participant Awards were decided by an international jury composed of nine experts in a range of relevant fields. The jury visited each international pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai during the course of two sessions, in January and March of 2022.

Split into five different categories according to the size and type of pavilion, the Official Participant Awards recognise three aspects of pavilions: architecture and landscape (for self-built pavilions only), exhibition design, and theme interpretation. A total of 51 Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards were handed out during the ceremony, which took place in Jubilee Park on the Expo 2020 Dubai site.


Source: https://www.bie-paris.org/site/en/news-announcements/expo-dubai-2020-2/bie-day-ceremony-of-prizes-and-awards-at-expo-2020-dubai


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