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FosRich launches corporate university for staff

FosRich has launched its corporate university which is mandated to train and develop team members by providing enhanced, in-depth and focused training at all levels. According to FosRich's Managing Director Cecil Foster, “the aim is to take the team to a corporate level of operation with this ongoing training. The courses will utilise MBA-type case studies and role plays and will cover a broad spectrum of disciplines, facilitating the development of critical thinking and other skills necessary for the advancement of the organisation.”

The university, which started six weeks ago, mirrors the training model used by Netherland lighting company Phillips and fast food chain McDonald's in their respective university programmes. Like those institutions, Foster says the FosRich university will offer continuous study for all employees throughout their tenure within the organisation.

The FosRich university will consist of three colleges. Each college will have a different focus. One on the systems and procedures of the company as well as the competitive development of the retail and manufacturing business with technologically driven tailor-made programmes. Together these colleges will train and develop staff to function at maximum in their various fields while creating an environment for upward mobility.

The university is housed in FosRich's locations and is presently online. At the moment, only FosRich staff can attend. Foster said FosRich pays the full cost for the training. He also noted that corporate university team members are senior lecturers from universities across the Caribbean.

The university will have control over the content delivery, thus giving the university the choice and methods of delivery that will meet the needs of the organisation. It will also identify staff needs that will aid in the selection of the tools that are suitable for targeted learners. Foster stressed that the learning institution will provide an avenue for staff to improve themselves and their contribution to the profession. “The university will provide learners with the opportunity to progress to senior management and leadership. The expectation is that employees will be encouraged to see the need to also invest in themselves. We will evaluate their willingness to 'buy in' to the big picture thereby engaging all employed in the test of 'Who are you in FosRich?', 'Where are you going?' 'How do you plan to get there?'” he noted that students will be tested to determine competency, capabilities and personal achievements. The curriculum development will include a major focus on ways to extract the raw talent and potential from each employee that will help in the upward mobility and best fit position. Foster noted that the university will be sensitive to the dynamism in the industry in which it operates and also the impact of the local and global economies on daily lives. He said FosRich will endeavour to create a platform that will keep the university abreast of new technologies and to be an agent for change. This will impact management styles, leadership succession, performance management, Talent management and time management. “The result of this form of sensitivity will be seen in the culture to readily accommodate change, and recognise FosRich University as the hub for not only the education and development of employees, but will link the importance of the value chain that includes suppliers, distributors and most importantly customers,” Foster said.

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